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I want to share a new post: Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints. Inspired by Adam Wathan's idea of derisking projects with save points, I've learned to prefer optionality over efficiency. This shift has changed the way I work as a developer and make decisions as a project manager.
I think this is the first time I've written a longer post on project management, so I'd love to get some feedback (on both the style and content). And if you have similar anecdotes, stories, or thoughts on the topic: I want to hear them!
Across the web
🐉 The Art of Finishing — "Strategies for Taming the Project Hydra". How to make meaningful progress on side projects.
🎤 Laracon US — There are two Laracon US talks I particularly enjoyed. Daniel Coulbourne gave a talk on Verbs which was incredible. He used event sourcing to fix a bug in production of a game that was running live during the conference. Adam Wathan gave a practical talk on tricks and patterns to apply when building a component library or design system. He used Tailwind for the examples (duh), but these are techniques for any CSS setup. The data-slot pattern was new and eye-opening to me.
🎨 Flux — Also from Laracon, Caleb Porzio introduced Flux, a composable UI kit for Livewire. Radix' existence is one of the main reasons I lean towards React over Livewire for some projects, Flux might just move that needle.
Random bits
☕ I've rediscovered my Chemex for home brewing. I love playing around with various grind sizes and ratios to learn how they're affecting taste. Last week I finally pulled the trigger for a scale and set up a little coffee corner.

PS: Another is going out next week, you should subscribe!
Until the next issue,